Baring PAIN

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Deep Calls To Deep

The Gospel inside the book of Job is the same gospel that is inside the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. In fact, it’s the same Gospel that is inside every book of the Bible. Only the Gospel held within the book of Job is hidden. Way down deep, in a dark cavity, alongside man’s depravity, of suffering and pain.

When deep calls to deep, and one descends, into depths without end. It is not by choice. For one does not go there by one’s choosing. One is taken there. Against the will. Down in these depths, the physical and emotional and psychological and spiritual suffering strip one naked. The pressure in the descent, when one is barreled down through all the man-made barricades that used to stand between the soul - and that long dark damp cavity. Man’s. And Woman’s. Depravity. Removes the crown from one’s head. Replacing it with thorns, instead.

Deep calls to deep, only when one is lonely. And alone. Screaming from the lips. Struggling to hold on, with bloody fingertips. Pain, ravaging. Soul, savaging, against being broken at the hip. Sliding, without stopping, into the muck and the mire, is no man’s - no woman’s desire. It’s an excruciating trip. When deep. Calls to deep. And one is swept underneath. And cannot resurface again.

It is in this dark flooded place. When one is a lone. With Suffering and Pain. Naked and stripped of all glory. And hope has been pulled up like a tree.

Where the Gospel. Hidden within the book of Job. Found me.

©2018 Jeanne Whitman all rights reserved